You Lost elections Though Your party was Ruling One Carrying decades of Political experience,dedicate Team & All Other Resources Or You Are Struggling in Politics To Establish Yourself (Or Your Party) Since Many Years ? Have You Ever Wondered That why You Are Not Able To Achieve Your Political Goals even after your best efforts ?
Think,If The technology Has Changed,Entire Voters old Generation Is Replaced with New One,All Socio Political Believes Has Changed,Challenges & Their Nature Changed Than why Still You Are Obsessed with Old Myths To Win Politics. It’s Time To Understand Myths Vs. Facts Of Politics To Improve Your Performance In Changed Political environment By Implementing Radical & innovative Strategic Approach ….Why Don’t You Change Your Strategy …?

1. What Exactly Needed In Politics ?

Politics is ever-changing Phenomena,Dynamics,Liking & Preferences Changes In Election to elections.All These Changes May Be Visible or invisible.Picking the pulse of all these changes is very important to develop right strategy & Campaign.Over all Ultimate goal in Politics is To convert crowd into votes by changing mass political preferences.Rest All Actions are merely inclined to achieve this goal only.
2. Experience Vs. Innovation

The biggest myth in political world,within party, are that they thinks experience counts. But in ever changing political environment in today’s time experience has no value. Its the time of Innovation. Days Has gone when experience was an imp factor.Remember The past elections results … The most experienced Political Party In India i.e. Congress with all Its 70 Yrs Old experienced Leaders was clean swept by BJP.Again Just after few Time In Delhi state election BJP & Congress Both Were Clean swept By Aam Adami Party.Point to Noted That Both Congress & BJP were Leading & Most experienced Parties In India & carries Longest expouser even they were badly defeated by just hardly newly formed party AAP which was having zero yrs exp In politics. So Always remember experience is not a guarantee for success in politics because political environment is highly volatile with ever changing political dynamics So be Innovative .
3. Why Dynamics Based micro Strategic Political Consulting ?

Mostly We Thinks That We Need micro Strategic Consulting Just Before few Months Of Elections ? Remember That Politics Is A Set of Organic Events In A Continuous Manner Hence Continuous development Is Only Way By Which You Can Achieve Your Established Goals.THE ULTIMATE GOALS IN POLITICS FOR AN ESTABLISHED POLITICIAN OR POLITICAL PARTY is to Influence Public To develop A Political Bonding With Them So that At Voting day They Vote You. If You Slow down Or Your Wrong Steps People May get shifted To Rivals Easily.So We Can say To Attract New Voters,To Keep Maintain Them With You,& To Motivate Them To Act/ Vote you .It Is A cyclic Process In Which regular engagement Of You/Your Party & Voter Is Required.NOW COMING on Second Part Why You Need micro Strategic Consulting ? One Can say That He Is Having decades Of Experience In Politics & Won Several elections In past …….So Why One Lost Elections ? Why All Top Most experienced Leaders,Ruling Parties Lost elections ? This Is simple Answer That Why Even Best Successful Politicians / Political parties Needs our micro Strategic Political Consulting Services. Second Reason That Why One Need Our micro Strategic Political Consulting Is That Politics Is Most Dynamics,Complex & Ever Changing Profession. Here Trends,Liking disliking Of Voters,Public Choices,Preferences Changes Very fast. To Succeed In Such A highly Competitive & Volatile Environment,Expert Professionals Are Required Who Can Assit You To :::: Stop Making Mistakes -> To Weaken Your Rival -> To Influence Mass -> To Get Them (Public) engaged Continuously With You -> To Emerge / Establish You As First Preference Of Voters/Public. ::::::: SO now It’s Your Turn To decide Weather To Utilize Your resources & Time Effectively With Right Strategy & Approach To Get desired Results By Minimizing Risks To Ensure Better Productiveness ASAP Or Keep Going With Outdated Norms & Myths by which you got only disappointments Year Over Years, elections Over elections ?
5. Strategic Consulting Vs. Media Consulting

In Today’s Mushroom Growth Of Political Consultants,Every Person, Who Merely Manages Social Media, Promotion Services/Electronic Or Print Media etc etc, Claims That They Are Political Consultant. Always remember That Social Media,Media Management is Merely Tool Not Techniques.It May Only help to Pass Your Messages To Max No Of people.But Weather Quality Of Message is able to achieve goal or not ? Always REMEMBER That Core Factor Responsible For Victory Is Your – Strategy ->Tactic->Techniques->Operations. It Is Only Strategic Part Of Your Campaign, which provides you an edge over your rival Than Its Your Tactics i.e. how to execute Strategies In A Given Situation. These first 2 factors are Uncontrollable & Major Task Is To Manage This 2 factor. Rest Other 2 Factors i.e. Technical & Operational Is Controllable & every One Can Access.Example is that every party is using media,rallies,social media etc well but why not winning Elections ? Think Over It About difference between core Political Consulting & Media Consulting ?

Do You Merely making propaganda or effective campaign ? Does Your Rallies,,Speeches, activities are enough capable to bend the iron rod of politics ? Most Of Political parties Campaign,Actions merely falls into category of propaganda. A very micro difference is there in propaganda & in effective campaigns. Propaganda may be a double edged weapon,Propaganda may or may not deliver desired results,Propaganda may turn into self damage & can harm your image instantly or in future & You May be forced to take your turn to damage control. In day To day Life so Many examples In Political campaigning world is there for it.WHILE when a propaganda programme is well planned by understanding micro dynamics of current political environment & future course of action,it delivers desired results & is Known as effective Campaigning.So Always Focus On Effective Campaigning Rather Than Just Ongoing Propaganda For better results.This Is One of major reason why your propaganda could not turn voters in your favor even after best social media,media,campaign Mgt. etc.Because it ultimately could not influence public in both required qualitative & quantitative way to change their Political preferences To Change their voting decisions & Finally To convert their voting decision into action i.e. voting for you at voting day.

Almost In rallies Of Leading Political parties / Leaders huge crowd are there & By seeing this crowd we assumes for our victory ? But We lost elections ? Why ? Reason Behind This Is That why This crowd was Not Converted Into Votes ? For This It Is Important to understand crowd constituents & Crowd behavior. This Is actual Challenge That Attracting crowd is different thing & taking this crowd to next level i.e. Converting Crowd Into Votes Is Different Challenge & different strategies are required.So Just by seeing crowd in your rallies don’t be politically Myopic because crowd gathering is not the end of ur actions but far ahead you have to go yet …

Most Of the People heavily focus on data.But Only data is not alone which can insure your victory. Second Reason is that the same data is available to your other rival parties ! So How To Make an edge over your rival ? Answer of this question is that Utilising this data to develop Such Political Campaign Strategies which can Bring change in dynamics of politics. So Focus over to understand dynamics Not only on data.This is reason why predictions of most of polling research agencies fails . ( To Understand It Watch AK Mishra 100% Correct Predictions Of All major elections Results Videos Click On – )

Here We Have To understand that main constituents of politics is human being weather it is leaders or voters.Politics is purely a field where lively forces works upon each others & Influences to eachothers. So we Should take it as Socio-Biological Process which gradually grows,changes. Not only human body but more complex Their Brain,Emotions,Psychology Is involved to develop voters decision. Hence A regular psychosomatic actions are required to make your strong presence. Only The Science & Scientific PrinciplesTheories,Tools & techniques are not sufficient to break the ice But a sociopolitical Approach is Advised.

Public Perception Change Mgt. Is Only task Of Any Political Event. Your Every Political Activities,Rallies,statement falls typically Under Category Of Entertaining Event management If It Is Not Able to Change The Current & Strongly Established Political Perceptions Of Crowd/Voters . Remember That Your Every Political Activities Prime Target Should be to bring a change in Political Ideology Of Mass.So Recognize This Fine difference & Don’t Be with Political Illusions That You successfully Managed a political event.

As We Have Already stated that political leaders get activated just few month before of elections. Remember Being A Politician You Or Party Activities Should be working on contentious basis Because erasing the image of your opposition party from psychology of voters is a typical task & its’ require regular hammering to change the perception of mass.

For Assured results,one should not take politics as ongoing casual act but it also required serious approach on micro level as other disciplines requires to excel.Understanding Political Environment,It’s Constituents, dynamics & Forces working each other which ultimately changes the inclination of public is toughest task.

Politics In Human Civilization is most unpredictable event & very specific approach,strategies are required for each & every time and in each & every elections. It has been observed that re elections in same are provides very different results.Not Only this,Multi Layer course of action and strategy set is required to manage different layers of political dynamics as whole management. So utmost flexibility and ready to response infrastructure preparation is required.

Political Consulting Is A micro specialized filed where as a whole all dynamics are managed To control The Things when They go against to you.While Political Marketing Be Limited to spreading your Information into environment. Developing an exact match of Political strategy & Current Set Of Mass opinion & To change it as per need is task of Strategic Political Consulting.

In Political environment,Several forces acts sententiously upon each-other & as a results public get influenced & take their decision.And dynamics Or all these forces by nature is latent i.e. not visible.It Is typical task to get their pulse & develop strategies accordingly.Even Whatever visible factors are there,managing them is also a typical task.

In Politics mostly rivals are managed by frontal attack on day to day basis but have you ever thought beyond this,one steps ahead i.e. Encircled Attack / Mgt Means Checking your rivals From All Possible Angles that they becomes totally Paralyzed Politically against you.

Traditional style of politics & leadership has contained today since in past 20 yrs due to developments lots of changes has emerge in society.the way now how public thinks is different,their choices are different & different social forces has changed the entire political scenario weather it is India Or Any Other country. examples are there that several political movements,ideology has been abandoned by people in different countries.. However Traditional Politics will play the role of backbone but for strategic edge, practical politics as limb must be introduced in your political kitty.Practical Politics focuses that in a given short time span as per situation,what to do & how much can be get deviated to achieve goals being intact with backbone i.e. Traditional Politics.
1. What Exactly Needed In Politics ?

Politics is ever-changing Phenomena,Dynamics,Liking & Preferences Changes In Election to elections.All These Changes May Be Visible or invisible.Picking the pulse of all these changes is very important to develop right strategy & Campaign.Over all Ultimate goal in Politics is To convert crowd into votes by changing mass political preferences.Rest All Actions are merely inclined to achieve this goal only.
2. Experience Vs. Innovation

The biggest myth in political world,within party, are that they thinks experience counts. But in ever changing political environment in today’s time experience has no value. Its the time of Innovation. Days Has gone when experience was an imp factor.Remember The past elections results … The most experienced Political Party In India i.e. Congress with all Its 70 Yrs Old experienced Leaders was clean swept by BJP.Again Just after few Time In Delhi state election BJP & Congress Both Were Clean swept By Aam Adami Party.Point to Noted That Both Congress & BJP were Leading & Most experienced Parties In India & carries Longest expouser even they were badly defeated by just hardly newly formed party AAP which was having zero yrs exp In politics. So Always remember experience is not a guarantee for success in politics because political environment is highly volatile with ever changing political dynamics So be Innovative .
3. Why Dynamics Based micro Strategic Political Consulting ?

Mostly We Thinks That We Need micro Strategic Consulting Just Before few Months Of Elections ? Remember That Politics Is A Set of Organic Events In A Continuous Manner Hence Continuous development Is Only Way By Which You Can Achieve Your Established Goals.THE ULTIMATE GOALS IN POLITICS FOR AN ESTABLISHED POLITICIAN OR POLITICAL PARTY is to Influence Public To develop A Political Bonding With Them So that At Voting day They Vote You. If You Slow down Or Your Wrong Steps People May get shifted To Rivals Easily.So We Can say To Attract New Voters,To Keep Maintain Them With You,& To Motivate Them To Act/ Vote you .It Is A cyclic Process In Which regular engagement Of You/Your Party & Voter Is Required.NOW COMING on Second Part Why You Need micro Strategic Consulting ? One Can say That He Is Having decades Of Experience In Politics & Won Several elections In past …….So Why One Lost Elections ? Why All Top Most experienced Leaders,Ruling Parties Lost elections ? This Is simple Answer That Why Even Best Successful Politicians / Political parties Needs our micro Strategic Political Consulting Services. Second Reason That Why One Need Our micro Strategic Political Consulting Is That Politics Is Most Dynamics,Complex & Ever Changing Profession. Here Trends,Liking disliking Of Voters,Public Choices,Preferences Changes Very fast. To Succeed In Such A highly Competitive & Volatile Environment,Expert Professionals Are Required Who Can Assit You To :::: Stop Making Mistakes -> To Weaken Your Rival -> To Influence Mass -> To Get Them (Public) engaged Continuously With You -> To Emerge / Establish You As First Preference Of Voters/Public. ::::::: SO now It’s Your Turn To decide Weather To Utilize Your resources & Time Effectively With Right Strategy & Approach To Get desired Results By Minimizing Risks To Ensure Better Productiveness ASAP Or Keep Going With Outdated Norms & Myths by which you got only disappointments Year Over Years, elections Over elections ?
5. Strategic Consulting Vs. Media Consulting

In Today’s Mushroom Growth Of Political Consultants,Every Person, Who Merely Manages Social Media, Promotion Services/Electronic Or Print Media etc etc, Claims That They Are Political Consultant. Always remember That Social Media,Media Management is Merely Tool Not Techniques.It May Only help to Pass Your Messages To Max No Of people.But Weather Quality Of Message is able to achieve goal or not ? Always REMEMBER That Core Factor Responsible For Victory Is Your – Strategy ->Tactic->Techniques->Operations. It Is Only Strategic Part Of Your Campaign, which provides you an edge over your rival Than Its Your Tactics i.e. how to execute Strategies In A Given Situation. These first 2 factors are Uncontrollable & Major Task Is To Manage This 2 factor. Rest Other 2 Factors i.e. Technical & Operational Is Controllable & every One Can Access.Example is that every party is using media,rallies,social media etc well but why not winning Elections ? Think Over It About difference between core Political Consulting & Media Consulting ?

Do You Merely making propaganda or effective campaign ? Does Your Rallies,,Speeches, activities are enough capable to bend the iron rod of politics ? Most Of Political parties Campaign,Actions merely falls into category of propaganda. A very micro difference is there in propaganda & in effective campaigns. Propaganda may be a double edged weapon,Propaganda may or may not deliver desired results,Propaganda may turn into self damage & can harm your image instantly or in future & You May be forced to take your turn to damage control. In day To day Life so Many examples In Political campaigning world is there for it.WHILE when a propaganda programme is well planned by understanding micro dynamics of current political environment & future course of action,it delivers desired results & is Known as effective Campaigning.So Always Focus On Effective Campaigning Rather Than Just Ongoing Propaganda For better results.This Is One of major reason why your propaganda could not turn voters in your favor even after best social media,media,campaign Mgt. etc.Because it ultimately could not influence public in both required qualitative & quantitative way to change their Political preferences To Change their voting decisions & Finally To convert their voting decision into action i.e. voting for you at voting day.

Almost In rallies Of Leading Political parties / Leaders huge crowd are there & By seeing this crowd we assumes for our victory ? But We lost elections ? Why ? Reason Behind This Is That why This crowd was Not Converted Into Votes ? For This It Is Important to understand crowd constituents & Crowd behavior. This Is actual Challenge That Attracting crowd is different thing & taking this crowd to next level i.e. Converting Crowd Into Votes Is Different Challenge & different strategies are required.So Just by seeing crowd in your rallies don’t be politically Myopic because crowd gathering is not the end of ur actions but far ahead you have to go yet …

Most Of the People heavily focus on data.But Only data is not alone which can insure your victory. Second Reason is that the same data is available to your other rival parties ! So How To Make an edge over your rival ? Answer of this question is that Utilising this data to develop Such Political Campaign Strategies which can Bring change in dynamics of politics. So Focus over to understand dynamics Not only on data.This is reason why predictions of most of polling research agencies fails . ( To Understand It Watch AK Mishra 100% Correct Predictions Of All major elections Results Videos Click On – )

Here We Have To understand that main constituents of politics is human being weather it is leaders or voters.Politics is purely a field where lively forces works upon each others & Influences to eachothers. So we Should take it as Socio-Biological Process which gradually grows,changes. Not only human body but more complex Their Brain,Emotions,Psychology Is involved to develop voters decision. Hence A regular psychosomatic actions are required to make your strong presence. Only The Science & Scientific PrinciplesTheories,Tools & techniques are not sufficient to break the ice But a sociopolitical Approach is Advised.

Public Perception Change Mgt. Is Only task Of Any Political Event. Your Every Political Activities,Rallies,statement falls typically Under Category Of Entertaining Event management If It Is Not Able to Change The Current & Strongly Established Political Perceptions Of Crowd/Voters . Remember That Your Every Political Activities Prime Target Should be to bring a change in Political Ideology Of Mass.So Recognize This Fine difference & Don’t Be with Political Illusions That You successfully Managed a political event.

As We Have Already stated that political leaders get activated just few month before of elections. Remember Being A Politician You Or Party Activities Should be working on contentious basis Because erasing the image of your opposition party from psychology of voters is a typical task & its’ require regular hammering to change the perception of mass.

For Assured results,one should not take politics as ongoing casual act but it also required serious approach on micro level as other disciplines requires to excel.Understanding Political Environment,It’s Constituents, dynamics & Forces working each other which ultimately changes the inclination of public is toughest task.

Politics In Human Civilization is most unpredictable event & very specific approach,strategies are required for each & every time and in each & every elections. It has been observed that re elections in same are provides very different results.Not Only this,Multi Layer course of action and strategy set is required to manage different layers of political dynamics as whole management. So utmost flexibility and ready to response infrastructure preparation is required.

Political Consulting Is A micro specialized filed where as a whole all dynamics are managed To control The Things when They go against to you.While Political Marketing Be Limited to spreading your Information into environment. Developing an exact match of Political strategy & Current Set Of Mass opinion & To change it as per need is task of Strategic Political Consulting.

In Political environment,Several forces acts sententiously upon each-other & as a results public get influenced & take their decision.And dynamics Or all these forces by nature is latent i.e. not visible.It Is typical task to get their pulse & develop strategies accordingly.Even Whatever visible factors are there,managing them is also a typical task.

In Politics mostly rivals are managed by frontal attack on day to day basis but have you ever thought beyond this,one steps ahead i.e. Encircled Attack / Mgt Means Checking your rivals From All Possible Angles that they becomes totally Paralyzed Politically against you.

Traditional style of politics & leadership has contained today since in past 20 yrs due to developments lots of changes has emerge in society.the way now how public thinks is different,their choices are different & different social forces has changed the entire political scenario weather it is India Or Any Other country. examples are there that several political movements,ideology has been abandoned by people in different countries.. However Traditional Politics will play the role of backbone but for strategic edge, practical politics as limb must be introduced in your political kitty.Practical Politics focuses that in a given short time span as per situation,what to do & how much can be get deviated to achieve goals being intact with backbone i.e. Traditional Politics.
1. What Exactly Needed In Politics ?

Politics is ever-changing Phenomena,Dynamics,Liking & Preferences Changes In Election to elections.All These Changes May Be Visible or invisible.Picking the pulse of all these changes is very important to develop right strategy & Campaign.Over all Ultimate goal in Politics is To convert crowd into votes by changing mass political preferences.Rest All Actions are merely inclined to achieve this goal only.
2. Experience Vs. Innovation

The biggest myth in political world,within party, are that they thinks experience counts. But in ever changing political environment in today’s time experience has no value. Its the time of Innovation. Days Has gone when experience was an imp factor.Remember The past elections results … The most experienced Political Party In India i.e. Congress with all Its 70 Yrs Old experienced Leaders was clean swept by BJP.Again Just after few Time In Delhi state election BJP & Congress Both Were Clean swept By Aam Adami Party.Point to Noted That Both Congress & BJP were Leading & Most experienced Parties In India & carries Longest expouser even they were badly defeated by just hardly newly formed party AAP which was having zero yrs exp In politics. So Always remember experience is not a guarantee for success in politics because political environment is highly volatile with ever changing political dynamics So be Innovative .
3. Why Dynamics Based micro Strategic Political Consulting ?

Mostly We Thinks That We Need micro Strategic Consulting Just Before few Months Of Elections ? Remember That Politics Is A Set of Organic Events In A Continuous Manner Hence Continuous development Is Only Way By Which You Can Achieve Your Established Goals.THE ULTIMATE GOALS IN POLITICS FOR AN ESTABLISHED POLITICIAN OR POLITICAL PARTY is to Influence Public To develop A Political Bonding With Them So that At Voting day They Vote You. If You Slow down Or Your Wrong Steps People May get shifted To Rivals Easily.So We Can say To Attract New Voters,To Keep Maintain Them With You,& To Motivate Them To Act/ Vote you .It Is A cyclic Process In Which regular engagement Of You/Your Party & Voter Is Required.NOW COMING on Second Part Why You Need micro Strategic Consulting ? One Can say That He Is Having decades Of Experience In Politics & Won Several elections In past …….So Why One Lost Elections ? Why All Top Most experienced Leaders,Ruling Parties Lost elections ? This Is simple Answer That Why Even Best Successful Politicians / Political parties Needs our micro Strategic Political Consulting Services. Second Reason That Why One Need Our micro Strategic Political Consulting Is That Politics Is Most Dynamics,Complex & Ever Changing Profession. Here Trends,Liking disliking Of Voters,Public Choices,Preferences Changes Very fast. To Succeed In Such A highly Competitive & Volatile Environment,Expert Professionals Are Required Who Can Assit You To :::: Stop Making Mistakes -> To Weaken Your Rival -> To Influence Mass -> To Get Them (Public) engaged Continuously With You -> To Emerge / Establish You As First Preference Of Voters/Public. ::::::: SO now It’s Your Turn To decide Weather To Utilize Your resources & Time Effectively With Right Strategy & Approach To Get desired Results By Minimizing Risks To Ensure Better Productiveness ASAP Or Keep Going With Outdated Norms & Myths by which you got only disappointments Year Over Years, elections Over elections ?
5. Strategic Consulting Vs. Media Consulting

In Today’s Mushroom Growth Of Political Consultants,Every Person, Who Merely Manages Social Media, Promotion Services/Electronic Or Print Media etc etc, Claims That They Are Political Consultant. Always remember That Social Media,Media Management is Merely Tool Not Techniques.It May Only help to Pass Your Messages To Max No Of people.But Weather Quality Of Message is able to achieve goal or not ? Always REMEMBER That Core Factor Responsible For Victory Is Your – Strategy ->Tactic->Techniques->Operations. It Is Only Strategic Part Of Your Campaign, which provides you an edge over your rival Than Its Your Tactics i.e. how to execute Strategies In A Given Situation. These first 2 factors are Uncontrollable & Major Task Is To Manage This 2 factor. Rest Other 2 Factors i.e. Technical & Operational Is Controllable & every One Can Access.Example is that every party is using media,rallies,social media etc well but why not winning Elections ? Think Over It About difference between core Political Consulting & Media Consulting ?

Do You Merely making propaganda or effective campaign ? Does Your Rallies,,Speeches, activities are enough capable to bend the iron rod of politics ? Most Of Political parties Campaign,Actions merely falls into category of propaganda. A very micro difference is there in propaganda & in effective campaigns. Propaganda may be a double edged weapon,Propaganda may or may not deliver desired results,Propaganda may turn into self damage & can harm your image instantly or in future & You May be forced to take your turn to damage control. In day To day Life so Many examples In Political campaigning world is there for it.WHILE when a propaganda programme is well planned by understanding micro dynamics of current political environment & future course of action,it delivers desired results & is Known as effective Campaigning.So Always Focus On Effective Campaigning Rather Than Just Ongoing Propaganda For better results.This Is One of major reason why your propaganda could not turn voters in your favor even after best social media,media,campaign Mgt. etc.Because it ultimately could not influence public in both required qualitative & quantitative way to change their Political preferences To Change their voting decisions & Finally To convert their voting decision into action i.e. voting for you at voting day.

Almost In rallies Of Leading Political parties / Leaders huge crowd are there & By seeing this crowd we assumes for our victory ? But We lost elections ? Why ? Reason Behind This Is That why This crowd was Not Converted Into Votes ? For This It Is Important to understand crowd constituents & Crowd behavior. This Is actual Challenge That Attracting crowd is different thing & taking this crowd to next level i.e. Converting Crowd Into Votes Is Different Challenge & different strategies are required.So Just by seeing crowd in your rallies don’t be politically Myopic because crowd gathering is not the end of ur actions but far ahead you have to go yet …

Most Of the People heavily focus on data.But Only data is not alone which can insure your victory. Second Reason is that the same data is available to your other rival parties ! So How To Make an edge over your rival ? Answer of this question is that Utilising this data to develop Such Political Campaign Strategies which can Bring change in dynamics of politics. So Focus over to understand dynamics Not only on data.This is reason why predictions of most of polling research agencies fails . ( To Understand It Watch AK Mishra 100% Correct Predictions Of All major elections Results Videos Click On – )

Here We Have To understand that main constituents of politics is human being weather it is leaders or voters.Politics is purely a field where lively forces works upon each others & Influences to eachothers. So we Should take it as Socio-Biological Process which gradually grows,changes. Not only human body but more complex Their Brain,Emotions,Psychology Is involved to develop voters decision. Hence A regular psychosomatic actions are required to make your strong presence. Only The Science & Scientific PrinciplesTheories,Tools & techniques are not sufficient to break the ice But a sociopolitical Approach is Advised.

Public Perception Change Mgt. Is Only task Of Any Political Event. Your Every Political Activities,Rallies,statement falls typically Under Category Of Entertaining Event management If It Is Not Able to Change The Current & Strongly Established Political Perceptions Of Crowd/Voters . Remember That Your Every Political Activities Prime Target Should be to bring a change in Political Ideology Of Mass.So Recognize This Fine difference & Don’t Be with Political Illusions That You successfully Managed a political event.

As We Have Already stated that political leaders get activated just few month before of elections. Remember Being A Politician You Or Party Activities Should be working on contentious basis Because erasing the image of your opposition party from psychology of voters is a typical task & its’ require regular hammering to change the perception of mass.

For Assured results,one should not take politics as ongoing casual act but it also required serious approach on micro level as other disciplines requires to excel.Understanding Political Environment,It’s Constituents, dynamics & Forces working each other which ultimately changes the inclination of public is toughest task.

Politics In Human Civilization is most unpredictable event & very specific approach,strategies are required for each & every time and in each & every elections. It has been observed that re elections in same are provides very different results.Not Only this,Multi Layer course of action and strategy set is required to manage different layers of political dynamics as whole management. So utmost flexibility and ready to response infrastructure preparation is required.

Political Consulting Is A micro specialized filed where as a whole all dynamics are managed To control The Things when They go against to you.While Political Marketing Be Limited to spreading your Information into environment. Developing an exact match of Political strategy & Current Set Of Mass opinion & To change it as per need is task of Strategic Political Consulting.

In Political environment,Several forces acts sententiously upon each-other & as a results public get influenced & take their decision.And dynamics Or all these forces by nature is latent i.e. not visible.It Is typical task to get their pulse & develop strategies accordingly.Even Whatever visible factors are there,managing them is also a typical task.

In Politics mostly rivals are managed by frontal attack on day to day basis but have you ever thought beyond this,one steps ahead i.e. Encircled Attack / Mgt Means Checking your rivals From All Possible Angles that they becomes totally Paralyzed Politically against you.

Traditional style of politics & leadership has contained today since in past 20 yrs due to developments lots of changes has emerge in society.the way now how public thinks is different,their choices are different & different social forces has changed the entire political scenario weather it is India Or Any Other country. examples are there that several political movements,ideology has been abandoned by people in different countries.. However Traditional Politics will play the role of backbone but for strategic edge, practical politics as limb must be introduced in your political kitty.Practical Politics focuses that in a given short time span as per situation,what to do & how much can be get deviated to achieve goals being intact with backbone i.e. Traditional Politics.