Challenges at a Glance


“If You Experience That In elections You Were Very Close To Success But It Slipped From Your Hands Or You Are Working Hard And Managing Media,social Media,Rallies,Press Conferences etc. well And Situation Looks In Your Favor Too But Results Are Not – It’s Clear That It Requires Micro Mgt. Of micro Challenges on Day To Day basis.”

Welcome To The Most Critical  Strategic Part Of Politics & Election Campaign  i.e. Management Of Ever & Fastest Changing Political Challenges And More Importantly Their micro Dynamics Means How They Get Generated And How They Works In A Sync To Influence entire Political Environment To Bring Changes In existing Political Environment.

Your Struggle In Politics Keeps Going On  Because The Only Reason Is That Lack Of Effective Management Of micro Political Challenges On day To day basis.More Interestingly,In Politics Challenges By Nature Is Also diverse. Challenges in politics may be different for a party,for an individual leader or different for new entrants.But Here Broadly we will Divide Them Into 2 Parts – Visible Challenges & Latent Challenges.Even In Most Of cases,Political parties Do not handle visible Challenges effectively On Any Agenda. Latent Challenges Are those challenges which are not visible. Recognizing  Such a set of Latent Challenges in advance is a micro challenge in it self. Few of such A Challenges are discussed below for general information only.

Here we will discuss some Real Time Ground zero level Practical Strategic Political Challenges Which Ultimately decides The election Results. The Victory In elections depends That How effectively These Challenges Are Going To Be Managed. 

Fell Free To Get in Touch To Analyse what Are Your Challenges & Their effective Management ?


Once The Challenges,Their Nature,Dynamics etc Are Understood well Half Of Your Target Is achieved.By Nature Several kinds Of Visible & latent Challenges Occurs In Filed Of Politics On Day To Day Basis,Hence day To day Basis Management Is Required Too. Since Politics Is Most Complex,Most Uncertain & Most wired Professions,different Layers Of Challenges To Be Managed. By Nature too, These Challenges Differs And Are Complex. In Politics / elections, Results Are Always Astonishing & Unpredictable. What We Can’t Imaging, Same Is Results ! Have You ever Wonder That Why So Much Uncertainty is There In Politics ? Why Being Most experienced In Politics,Things Are Not In Your Control ? Even After Your Best Why Results Are Not As Good As You Have Predicted No Matter How Big Name You Are In Politics ? Even The Most Influential Leaders,Biggest parties Too Looses elections Frequently ?

The Only Reason Is That Lack Of Effective Management Of Political Challenges On day To day basis.More Interestingly,In Politics Challenges By Nature Is Also diverse.But Here Broadly we will Divide Them Into 2 Parts – Visible Challenges & Latent Challenges.Even In Most Of cases,Political parties Do not handle visible Challenges effectively On Any Agenda. Latent Challenges Are those challenges which are not visible. Recognizing  Such a set of Latent Challenges in advance is a micro challenge in it self. Few of such A Challenges are discussed below for general information only.


Holding Voters With Your Party On Permanent  Basis is Biggest Challenge. Every Time election Results Changes And A wining Party get defeated In Next elections Because Voters Migrated From them To Other Party. Have You ever wondered That Why Your Voters shifted to other Party ? In Fact By Nature Voters Are Migratory  and Always Tends To Shifting & Move from One Party To Another Party. Understanding This Voters Migration From One Party To Another Party is A scientific & Interesting subject.Our Strategic services Helps You To Stop Your Voters Migration & Start A reverse Migration Process so That Voters From Other Party Joins You. We don’t stop Here,But Keep Engaging your voters on continuous basis Till Last Last Voting day.For This Goal We develop A different set Of Action Axioms which Insures That On day To day Basis How To Get engaged with You Voters & How To Insure That Rival Party Voters Migrate To You.



Attracting Other party Vote Bank To Your Party Is The Only Solutions For Victory. And The Only Way To Manage This Critical Task Is “PSYCHOSOMATIC CAMPAIGNING” where Target Is That How To First Break The Pre established Political Bonding Or Political Affections Between  Voters & Your Rival Party & Than How These Rival Party Vote Bank Shits To Your party To Join  You,Follow You & Finally Vote You In elections ?

         CHALLENGE YOURSELF BEFORE YOU CHALLENGE OTHERS IN POLITICS ! Let We Start It from Yourself & Try To Find Challenges Within Inner strata Of Your Wholesome Political Personality Itself.In general,there is always gap between state of mind & your political body actions due to certain dilemma conditions.Here some times you want to implement your decision but in practical way you don’t do it.In same way So Many Psychic Conditions are there which is really a challenge to manage.Some time state of POLITICAL ILLUSIONS ,POLITICAL MYOPIA,Several Other Syndromes  etc etc which definitely affects the right strategic analysis of political environment,degree & Nature Of Competition, decision making & Effective execution of plans.Overall Due to this either we could not judge right things or a state of political confusions / dilemma remains there which makes our efforts/ results uncertain.Such A challenge is too appears for Top leaders,Party workers,Voters,Strategist too.First Transform yourself into a charismatic Leader.

On Other Hand same Concepts Can Be Practiced On Public & Your Rival Party & Their Leadership.In Politics Overall Concept Is To Let Mass get Inclined Towards You.Our Psychosomatic based Concept & strategies are Best Solvent To First Dissolve / Dilute The Strong Political Bonding Between Your Rival Party & Public Or their Vote Bank Or Their Hard Core Voters,Followers And Then To Get Inclined Them Towards Yourself By Joining You Party Or Following Your Party.It’s a Unique Solution Offered By Us To Manage The extreme Adverse Political Situation By Attracting Rival Vote bank By Influencing Them To Break Their Psychological Affections With Any Other Party.



Since Politics is highly diversified field & Strategic need differs on different layers of politics. Like In national Level elections,Political dynamics,Voters Liking,Agenda Acceptance may be different than of state level elections.Mostly it has been observed that Political parties Approaches Are Very rigid & lacks a Capability of adoption as per need. Hence as per changing political environment,One Should be always ready to Adopt the Changed Strategy & Course of action for different Elections or political occasions.It Is Clear That Uniform Approach is Never helpful for victory since politics in itself is a nonuniform event.Applying Homogeneous approach For every Time May Not Yield Results. Hence In every election,For Each Constituency & candidate competition situation may be different hence needed specific strategy.


The most Complex & Uncertain part Of Challenges Section . Since Crowd,Public,Voter or A Human Being is most important constituents of Political environment,It can’t be ignored. Tracing The Crowd Decision Journey Until Voting Day & Managing Them By Developing Strategies Is A Critical task.Behavior of an Individual voter may differ with crowd behavior & Small Group Behavior too may differ from large crowd or individual voter.Again Here The Group dynamics Are also different for each case. Understanding & Predicting a voters / crowd behavior is most uncertain part. Hence predicting Their correct decisions is a field where most of mistakes are made during strategy making process.

Here Our Team Support Uniquely.On regular Basis we Traces The  Decision Journey Of Crowd & Tries To Find That Why & How Much They Are Deviating From You And develop Course Of Action To Keep engaged with You Till Last Voting Moment.


Always remember,being a politician You are going to deal with one of world’s most complex system which is nothing else but your own profession i.e. POLITICS & ELECTIONS itself. Entire Politics,It’s Political environment,It’s different Components & dynamics All Together forms world’s most complex Open system where different Components influences to each-other to bring change.Managing Such A complex Complexity Is A Complex task In itself,hence Always There is probabilities that your political decisions may be wrong & In fact it do happen every time with many political parties.


Metamorphic / Ever hanging nature of politics is always remains a challenge to manage effectively.Several social,economical,psychological forces keep working within political environment due to which current nature of current time politics changes after few times. More Important that these changes & causative agents of these changes remains silent.Hence It Always remains a challenges to recognize these & managing the volatile changes of political environment.


Understanding & Managing A Multiple Machinist In A multilayered system is a real challenge. In Any Given particular Political environment,the mechanism of politics is multilayered.Different Forces works all together at different layers collectively at same time.For example,In Any National Level election,Agenda may be of national level & also in any state agenda may be preferred related to its state & so on till last level of politics.So For optimized your political strategies a multi layer approach is required which again is a challenge in itself.


Conceptualization is first step of any course of action.Since Political & election environments are heavily wired so understanding each & every parameter is difficult in itself.Without a Sound understanding of each & every component,it’s dynamics developing a smart concept is always doubtful.Most Of The time our political strategic mistakes starts at concept development level itself.To Manage this challenge, a backward series of analysis & understanding is required.


Once every thing is well understood & defined in Politics,Its ground zero level effective execution is highly important. If Your strategies,plans are not executed well when required there will not be any meaning of all previous act. Pint to note is that execution capability is again another filed of study & should not be ignored. It Also required to develop on day to day basis on different layer of your political organization on party level,district level & on party workers level.


Fine synchronization among all your political activity is utmost requirement. It is never possible that party high command is stating some thing & lower authorities are stating some other things on same topic. So top To Bottom & Bottom To Top micro synchronization must be developed for unilateral & directional Movement for greater achievement.


Politics & elections are filed where uncertainties meets you on every step & on day to day basis. Any Thing may happen or all of sudden changes may occur. To manage such uncertain political happening ,a effective contingency management system should be there.Since By Nature,contingency occour without any prior information so managing these effectively is too a biggest challenge at-least in politics. Due to poor management of this,several parties faces crisis time to time in past in in present too.


Covering Politics / Election campaign on both axis micro & Macro is a biggest challenge. Most The Parties Pay attentions only for Macro events & Neglect Micro Challenges addressing. Reason Behind this is micro challenges by nature are not easily traceable & very high infrastructure is required to address these challenges.So micro challenges mostly remains un addressed which turns into as a potential reason for failures.

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